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Save 10% off Coats and Jackets. Discount applies in cart - ends March 13th
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Frightful Crocodile - Beaded pendant or charm

Designed by Helena Chmelíková for Preciosa

These make great pendants, charms, or fidget toys! Adorable crocodiles using size 8/0 Rocailles.


You will need:

(Pick your favourite colors for your own unique design! These listed colors are just as a reference for the tutorial)

The upper surface
All made with PRECIOSA Rocailles

wintergreen matt; 104x (R16)

emerald green matt; 18x (R17)

light yellow matt; 7x (R01)

grey matt; 2x (R22)

The lower surface

PRECIOSA Rocailles
dusty rose matt; 95x (R06)

0.30 mm nylon line (rigid with a slight elasticity); scissors; a ruler

The hanging (necklace) - a thin chain or a cord with a 1 mm diameter; a clasp and its counterpart; a thin ring; 4 mm rings (4x); end pieces with a 2 mm internal diameter; glue for absorbent - non-absorbent material


Step 1

The line
Cut off about 1.5 m of the line. If the line twists, gently pass the needle over it or tug on it. String the R directly onto the line.

Step 2

The beginning
String 1x R16 and 2x R06. Move them to the centre of the line. Thread the end of the line on the side by the R16 back through 2x R06 again. This will create a triangle.

Step 3

The body
When creating the crocodile, alternately string the R from the supper surface (the pattern) and the R from the bottom (R06). The numbers in the rows reduce or increase. This imitates the narrowing or widening of the animal's body. String the appropriate number of R in a row onto one end of the line. Thread the second end of the line through from the opposite side.

Step 4

The legs
String 3x R16. Omit the R strung on the edge. Thread the line through the remaining 2x R back to the body.

Step 5

Finishing up
String 1x R16 from the tail (row 25) onto one end of the line. Thread this end of the line back through the last two pairs of R in the tail. Thread each end of the line through 1x R next to the penultimate pair of R. Tie two knots between the R. Thread the line back through the R in this pair. Pull the ends of the line into several other pairs of R. Cut it off.


Step 6

Hanging - the necklace
Cut off the required length from the chain or the cord. Stick the cord into the end pieces with eyes. Use the 4 mm rings to connect a carabiner and its counterpart to the eyes on the end pieces or to the ends of the chain. Connect the thin ring to the outer R on the crocodile. Connect both 4 mm rings to it, which you can then hang on the cord or the centre of the chain.


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